
1.Inappropriate Or Infringing Content

Kakao Games Europe does not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, article, link or comment posted by other partners in the Services, and shall not be responsible for the contents of any such message, article or comment.

The content of the Partner expresses the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of Kakao Games. The Partner can report any violation of the service's policies by clicking on the report icon on the Forums.

The Partner shall not use the Service(s) to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually offensive, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violating any applicable law.

The Partner shall not use the Service(s) to post any advertisement, link or information regarding content which infringes the Agreement.

The Partner shall not promote illegal or illicit activities including cheating and the use of exploits.

2.Naming policy

The Partner must use a name readable and writable by everyone (Please stick to Latin alphabet);

The Partner shall not use on the Website, the Forums and in the Game character names, family names, guild names, clan names and/or nicknames that are:

Vulgar, abusive, hateful, racist, defamatory, threatening, pornographic or sexually orientated;

Referring to inappropriate parts of the human body or bodily functions;

Referring to drugs or illegal activities;

Related to a facist regime;

Referring to figures or activities of religious relevance

Related to political regimes or personalities involved or suspected of violation of human rights;

Promoting violence, ethnically or national hatred;

Impersonating an existing person, including Kakao Games Europe officials

Violating the intellectual or industrial rights of a third party, including trademarks.

The use of alternate spelling, for instance by replacing a letter with a number, in order to violate the above-mentioned rules shall be considered a violation of the naming policy.

The Partner will not create additional forum and game accounts in order to bypass any warning, suspension, ban or purport themselves as someone else.

3.Threats to the provision of the Services

The Partner shall not make threats or attempt to disturb the provision of the Services in any way including spamming, denial of service attacks, performing actions whether alone or as a group, on the Service(s), that would affect the performances of the Service(s) or the experience of other end-users of the Services.

Kakao Games Europe reserves the right to take any actions necessary deemed necessary to maintain the integrity of the Service(s)

4.Account sharing

The Partner is not allowed to share the credentials of his or her account with anyone.

Notwithstanding the above, Kakao Games Europe may request from you the name of your Account for events or in order to provide you customer support. However, Kakao Games Europe will never ask you for your Account password.

5.Violation of law

The Partner undertakes to respect the legislation of the country from which he/she launches the Game and accesses the Services.

6.Behavioral rules and guideline

6.1.Interacting with other users

Content made with the sole purpose of upsetting or angering other streamers and users is not allowed. All posts have to be made in the spirit of mutual respect.

The Partner shall not attack or insult other users for having different opinions or for making statements the Partner disagrees with. Challenging the opinions or statements of other users is permitted, attacking the person holding them is not.

The Partner shall not "name and shame" other users. If a user is suspected to have broken the Terms of Service / Terms of Use or taken part in fraudulent activities it should be reported directly to Kakao Games Europe by submitting a support ticket and/or directly contacting our staff.

6.2.Promoting Exploits & Cheats

The Partner shall not promote content or encourage behaviour from others that would violate our Terms of Use. The Partner is instead encouraged to report inappropriate content to Kakao Staff. Reported content will then be reviewed and appropriate actions will be taken.

6.3.Abuse of Reporting

The Partner shall not falsely report other users. Reporting is intended to create a positive environment in the community, not to slander or ‘troll’ other users.

7.Selling Gratuity item(s)

The partner may receive gratuities as a benefit from the partner program. The partner shall not attempt to sell any Game, Accounts, Virtual Items, Game Currency or any item of the Game for money (i.e. real money) or other valuables. Any such transfer or assignment is deemed to be null and void.